This event has expired

Winner Takes ALL Blackjack Tournament

Event expired

Saturday, 22 April 2023


Saturday, 17 June 2023


All-Rewards Tsogo Cards Members

Stand a chance to WIN it ALL when you take part in the Jack Daniel’s Winner Takes ALL Blackjack Tournament. Simply buy in for R500 on the day of the tournament and you will have earned yourself a seat.

Tournament times:  between 19h00 and 22h00

Tournament Dates – Every Saturdays

Apr: 22, 29

May: 6, 13, 20 & 27

Jun: 3, & 10

Grand Finale: 17 June

First heat will take place at 19h00 and Final heat around 22h00.

A total of 7 heats, each heat with a total of 21 hands.

You need to have a Blackrock Rewards card in order to participate.

Buy-ins will take place at the Cash Desk from 17h00 and close 5 minutes before each heat starts.

Each participant will receive R1 000 to start playing each hand.


  1. Only persons over the age of 18 may participate. Any person who is currently refused entry to the casino or who is self-excluded prior to or during the tournament may not participate and will be disqualified
  2. Designated and demarcated operational tables and/or tournament tables will be utilised for the tournament. Live games will not be offered at the affected operational tables during tournament heats
  3. Any buy-ins for casino specific qualifying rounds not played prior to the closing time of the qualifying rounds will be forfeited
  4. Entry to each heat of the tournament is by way of cash buy-in of R500 cash or value chips. Players may re-enter as many times as they wish by way of re-buys provided that the re-buys are for different heats. Purchase of more than one seat for a heat by the participant/s is not allowed
  5. Each non-negotiable chip will represent an unredeemable rand value of R50 for purposes of determining winners and ranking of players. These chips have no cash value and cannot be redeemed for value in any form, or used to place bets at live games.
  6. R50 minimum bet will apply to all heats with a maximum of R1000 per box. No side bets will be accepted.
  7. Players play for themselves, monies may not be pooled or transferred to other players. All non-negotiable chips must be returned to the respective table float at the end of each heat/round.
  8. No Proxies will be allowed for the tournament heats including the final round.
  9. Non-negotiable chips are to be kept on the table in a visible manner at all times.
  10. Non- negotiable chips “winning” from one heat / round session will be carried over to determine the top 7 players to play the final heat.
  11. 100% of the money received from buy-ins will be distributed into the prize pool.
  12. Participants do not earn Rewards Programme points during tournament play.
  13. During the qualifying heats and the final, 60 seconds will be given for the placement of bets, however, should a participant indicate that they have finished betting prior to the lapsing of the allocated time of 60seconds they will be considered finished and the next player will be given their chance to bet.
  14. Tournament winnings won during each individual heat will be totalled and ranked to determine the top non-negotiable chip earners.
  15. Participants must bet during every hand.
  16. Registration and participation for the qualifying heats and finals shall be in accordance with dates and times that will be advertised through the casino’s marketing mediums. Late registrations shall not be accepted.
  17. In the event that there is a tie /same scores between the 7th and the 8th position, there will be a play-off between the two players to determine who will qualifies for the 7th seat. The play-off will be based on who has the highest hand on the initial deal
  18. At the end of the qualifying period the top 7 players with the highest non-negotiable chip winnings, will then play against each other in the final heat which will be on the 17th of June 2023 where only one winner will take the total sum of the buy-ins as their prize.
  19. Values won will not be carried forward to the next tournament date. Each tournament Saturday will require every patron to buy-in in order to participate. Values won remain solely for the leader board ranking. Should patrons wish to participate in the next heat or the next tournament they would need to buy in again.
  20. On the final day – 17 June 2023, the top 7 patrons on the leader board will be given a non-negotiable to the value of R1000.00 as a start base to play the final.
  21. At the end of the tournament, all chips will be counted to find the winner.
  22. No outside bets may be played (pairs), though can Double or Split a hand/deal.
  23. Bets must be placed within the time limit and may not be adjusted once the participant’s time limit has expired or they have indicated they have finished betting when the rotational marker that is being utilised for betting sequence has moved on to the next participant.
  24. Proxies will not be allowed in the tournament
  25. The Master of Ceremonies will announce the start of each tournament session. Participants who are not present at the actual start of the respective heat will forfeit their seats without any refunds. The Master of Ceremonies will announce the allocated times, which may differ during the various stages of the tournament.
  26. Whilst every reasonable effort will be taken to ensure the accurate recording of rankings/scores, the onus shall remain with participants to ensure that their rankings/scores are correct at all times. The casino reserves the right to make the necessary corrections as soon as it becomes aware of any founded discrepancies, which corrections could change the rankings/scores of participants and allocation of prizes.
  27. Tournament Director’s decision (or a Management Representative thereof) will be deemed as final and no correspondence will be entered into.
  28. Any dispute not resolved at the time of occurrence is to be escalated to the licensee’s Senior Management within forty-eight (48) hours of occurrence.
  29. Prizes:  – Final tournament day – 17 June 2023
    100% buy-ins will be returned in the form of a prize to the first (1st) winner.
  30. R 5 000.00 Freeplay
  31. R 1 000.00 Freeplay
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